Saturday, May 29, 2010

Microsoft Certified Application Specialist - SP MCAS Challenge 2010

The annual SP MCAS Challenge 2010 organised by MS dept was successfully held on the 19 and 21 May 2010. This year event attracted a total of 99 participants in both Microsoft Word and Excel categories. Here are the winners in this year challenge. Let's wish our SP team all the best in the coming National Level competition!

Excel Category

Word Category

Monday, May 10, 2010

Talk on Puzzles: Past, Present and Future on 5 may 2010

About 100 MS diploma-plus students and staff gathered in the newly renovated LT4 on 5 May 2010, 3.30pm, for a talk on “Puzzles: Past, Present and Future” organised by the Department of Mathematics and Science. The speaker who conducted the talk was Mr Siva Subramaniam, Director and Co-Founder of MindStrat Puzzles Pte Ltd.

As students and staff streamed in to register for the talk, they were greeted by friendly MS lecturers. Little did they expect that they would soon be infected with a highly contagious puzzle-virus ... the effects of the virus were unleashed in small dosages at first during the talk as both students and staff were challenged to solve small puzzles thrown at them. This was quickly kicked up a notch during the DoTS gravity puzzle competition which followed immediately after the talk.

In Round 1 of the DoTS puzzle competition, 10 teams battled out against their team members and the champion of each team moved on to Round 2. In Round 2, the winners from Round 1 – now DoTS experts – battled out in an intensive round of DoTS ... the top three champions of the DoTS gravity puzzle competition were (drum roll .... )

1st Prize: Kevin Onggo from PCM
2nd Prize: Chung Wai Yin Eugene from PCEMS
3rd Prize: Xiong Yishun from PCEM

Congratulations, guys!